Tuesday 3 September 2013

Three Way - Chapter One

I thought I'd share with you the first three chapters of Three Way over the next three days. Hope you enjoy them.

I glance at the three piles of clothes sitting on my bed.

            Pile One: Underwear
            Pile Two: Tops, dresses, skirts
            Pile Three: Jackets and coats

            In the corner, a stack of shoe boxes. My eyes hone in on a pair of Birkenstocks, scuffed and dirtied with sand. Svetla walks in, her eyes deliberately not catching mine. She bends down and picks up her iPhone charger.
            ‘Okay, think that’s everything,’ she says. I glance at the piles of clothes, then back to her. Her shoulder-length blonde Scandinavian hair is tied back roughly. She wears lose tracky bottoms and a baggy T-shirt. Honestly, she’s looked better. Her eyes are tired from crying. My fault. Hours of pleading, arguing, shouting and now this. Quiet observing. Acutely aware neither of us can change what’s been said and done.
            ‘What about these?’ I say, indicating the piles of clothes.
            ‘Charity,’ she replies.
            ‘You want me to take these to the charity shop?’ I ask, frowning.
            ‘No, Ollie, I’ll do it. Just leave them somewhere and I’ll do it when I have time,’ she replies in a cold voice. I nod slowly. She picks up her bulky pink rucksack and throws it over her shoulder.
            ‘Let me help you-’ I say, stepping forward.
            ‘NO. No, thank you,’ she replies, correcting her tone. She walks out into the hallway. I follow her to the front door, a zombie. I put on a pair of old slippers and we walk out to her car. She goes around to the boot and throws the rucksack on top of the rest of her things, pushing it down hard. I go to help her, she shoves me away. I hold my hands up and step back. I watch her struggle to close the boot but eventually she succeeds and slams it shut. She turns to face me but doesn’t make eye contact.
            ‘Okay, so…bye,’ she says.
            ‘No. We’ve said everything we need to say. Let’s say goodbye like adults,’ she replies, holding out her hand. Two and a half years we’ve been together and she wants to shake my hand. I look at her palm then up to her eyes. She blinks fast then turns away. There are so many things I want to say. So many apologies for all the stupid things I’ve said and done. Sorry for being me. She opens the car door.
            ‘Hey,’ I say, walking round to her. She turns to face me, tears in her eyes. When I see them my heart melts. What the hell are we doing? ‘You sure there’s nothing more we can do?’
            ‘We’ve done everything. You’re miserable with me. I’m miserable with you. We gave it a good shot and it didn’t work. Time for something else,’ she says, staring straight into my eyes.
            ‘Okay well, I just…’ my voice crumbles, ‘…I just wanted to say that I…really loved you and although I didn’t show it very often…I hope you’re happy somewhere else.’ Do I mean any of the words I’m saying or are they just some ploy to persuade her I am a genuinely nice guy? A tear rolls down her cheek. I move to hug her, she lets me but I feel her tense up. No warmth. No affection. Hugging a statue. I release her. She looks down and turns as the tear drops from her face to the ground. She quickly wipes her cheek and sniffs, getting into her car and closing the door. I stand back, my hands finding their way into my pockets. She starts the engine and pulls away. I stand, rooted, imprinting every part of this into my psyche. She indicates left at the road and slowly pulls away. I hear the car disappear into the distance and then…nothing except the sound of birds singing. The end.

            I turn and walk back inside my flat. My mind is still processing what’s just happened. The girl I love has just left me. The girl I thought I was going to marry no longer lives with me. I walk into my bedroom and sit down on the bed. A tear runs down my face, I blink it away. I take a cardigan from the pile and smell her smell, closing my eyes. What have I done?


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